Denver, We Have a Can!

I haven’t liked summer since I stopped getting summer vacations… and since that has been about 6 years, let’s just say it’s been tough. The Santa Barbara farmer’s markets have been a big help and during my “working summers” I’ve learned to love tomatoes. Not only are they absolutely amazing in summer, the possibilities with them are endless. I am currently still in search of some good farmer’s markets here in Denver but until I find them, I did get this little guy:

My very own tomato plant. Here’s hoping he doesn’t die and provides some really awesome tomatoes. With my fresh tomato cravings and Brad’s homemade salsa kick, this little plant better produce. In the meantime, we have found some really great markets and I will buy tomatoes until my guy makes good. Here is Brad’s homemade salsa:

ignore the meat, that was for something else




3 Jalapenos



Salt & Pepper

Olive Oil

(cider vinegar if you are going to can)

He is still perfecting this and as you can see, it doesn’t have a “kick” to it (which is actually fine with me). But it is the perfect taste of summer and so yummy with chips. Roast your tomatoes, onion, garlic and jalapenos – either the grill or oven, and then mix with remaining ingredients. To can, simmer in a pot and then proceed to can. I am paraphrasing, see a “real” recipe here.

On an improptu trip to BBB, I found this:

Which is perfect, because in my “Urabn Farm” magazine I found a recipe for freezer jam but have been unable to make because I haven’t been able to find pectin. So not only did I find pectin, I found a canning kit – awesome! I haven’t made the jam yet, but we did the salsa last night. Who knew canning was so easy! Gram, I hope you are impressed!

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